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of the first water Meaning in Bengali


of the first water's Usage Examples:

One reviewer said it was "a baffler of the first water," while another remarked on Christie's ingenuity in the plot.

later started Wynne Enterprises, conceptualizing one of the first water amusement parks in Galveston, Texas, but died before his dream could.

disliked the picture, but one review picked him out as "a comedian of the first water".

The nightclub had one of the first water-cooled lasers and the first Karaoke bar in the UK.

Being an original of the first water, he adopted an original theory in reference to batting, which we are.

mere jokesmith: he is an authentic craftsman, a wit and humorist of the first water, the inventor of a prose style which is a kind of comic poetry.

Following the introduction of the first water-driven sugar mill on Madeira, sugar production increased to over 6.

Pinnacle Mountain State Park Willow Springs Water Park – one of the first water theme parks in the U.

designated National Recreation Trails by the National Park Service, some of the first water trails to receive this designation.

railroad brought growth to the town, which continued with the addition of the first water plant in the early 1890s, the establishment of a library in 1899,.

The arrival in 1931 of the first water from the Ware River by way of this tunnel probably saved the Wachusett.

Scientists hypothesize that some of the first water brought to Earth was delivered by asteroid impacts after the collision.

diving actions and stunts in the water, Katherine Curtis started one of the first water ballet clubs at the University of Chicago, where the team began executing.

A miniature water garden is located to the west of the first water garden, consisting of several small pools and watercourses.

Motion Picture Herald called the film "a comedy wow of the first water", and "one of the funniest, speediest, most nonsensical pictures ever.

FD'C Orange Number 1 was one of the first water-soluble dyes to be commercialized, and one of seven original food.


original; eldest; first-year; prototypical; introductory; premiere; initial; prototypal; freshman; primary; early; archetypal; basic; premier; firstborn; prime; front; prototypic; archetypical;


back; secondary; late; middle; unoriginal; last;

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