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officiousness Meaning in Bengali

 অনধিকারচর্চা, জেদীপনা, ত্তস্তাদি, কর্তামি, নাছোড়বান্দাপনা,


কর্তামি, ত্তস্তাদি, জেদীপনা, অনধিকারচর্চা,

officiousness শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

নষ্ট; তাতে বৈদ্যের কড়ি গুণতে হয় অনভ্যাসের ফোঁটা প্রাথমিক অস্বস্তি অনধিকারচর্চা সীমার বাইরে পদক্ষেপ অনন্যোপায় অন্য কোন উপায় নেই এমন অবস্থা অনলে জল ।

officiousness's Usage Examples:

for Waterloo bicentenary, AFP/Yahoo News Portable loos and Belgian officiousness: When 'war' breaks out at the Battle of Waterloo, 2015, The Telegraph.

"instantly establishing his standard screen characterization of fussy officiousness", leavened in many instances with a military bearing.

Wilson sensed he was jeopardized by Harvey's officiousness and conservatism, while Harvey was alarmed by Wilson's move to the left.

Chénier might have been overlooked but for the well-meant, indignant officiousness of his father.

girl on the threshold of womanhood," was a victim of unfair police officiousness, and declared to parliament that "the persecution of Miss Weitzel will.

Chatfield Ronnie Taylor 26 March 1979 (1979-03-26) Peter's caught up in the officiousness of trade unionism when a repair man at his firm spots him, a white collared.

Like many other fussy individuals affected with over-officiousness and chronic unrest of mind, who are continually trying to change the.

the jest and the torment of those among whom he lived, without the officiousness, the inquisitiveness, the effrontery, the toad-eating, the insensitivity.

the Irish authorities (who were not consulted in the matter); to the officiousness of Robert Walpole in defending the patent; and to the high-handed way.

fact, slowed the advancement of their cause by their "ultraism and officiousness".

the regional leadership has been exercised through vulgar and vain officiousness, which not only compromises you as president but turns off possible.

" He suggested this was due to over-officiousness on the part of the Rakahanga Island Council.

largely negative and described by one historian as 'based on flattery, officiousness and subservience' to James' 'exalted conception of prerogative'.

Chamberlain also noted the officiousness of James, who liked to take a personal interest in scandals and court.

Noting the "officiousness and tyranny" of the Chinese mandarins as being hard to bear, Morrison.

“the decapitation appears to have been a most unwarranted piece of officiousness and excess of authority on the part of the local Coroner, and is very.

wind of the matter and printed a story of "personal spite, overzealous officiousness, and laughable invocation of the power of the Government regarding a.


meddlesomeness; intrusive; not intrusive; intrusiveness; aggressiveness; unintrusive;


convex; protrusive; agreeableness; unintrusive; intrusive;

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