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on no account Meaning in Bengali

 কিছুতেই না, কোনোক্রমেই নয়, কোন ক্রমেই নয়,

on no account's Usage Examples:

commander Bagenal Harvey to attack the British outposts around New Ross but on no account to attack the town itself.

"), "on no account" and the like.

We will on no account tolerate our ministers and members joining or holding fellowship with.

European championships, either on the day before them or after them, but on no account during the actual championships.

therefore a practice fraught with the danger of fatal poisoning and should on no account be undertaken by any individual attempting to replicate a traditional.

'the natives had left their firearms at the camp he ordered the men on no account whatever to fire another shot'.

corner of the room was stacked with bundles of manuscript which were on no account to be burned, and which could not be put away save by their owner.

expressed in the minutes of a Cabinet meeting, was: "that we should on no account molest the Vatican City, but that our action as regards the rest of.

his servant and son of Cumhaill, with instructions to cook it but on no account to eat any of it.

burning them, destroy the vigour of the blood; water should therefore on no account be conducted in leaden pipes if we are desirous that it should be wholesome.

It should on no account be taken seriously but is far more serious than most jokes" and "See.

engineer, and his insistence on "no food or drink in the studio, and on no account was anyone to touch a microphone.

fleet, Pedro Valdés, was ordered to deliver a new offer of pardon, but on no account to begin hostilities until the necessary force was assembled.

al-Ghabisiyya's land) which declared that the "Arabs of Ghabisiyya should on no account be allowed to return to their village".


life; historical document; life story; annals; ancient history; chronicle; chronological record; case history; history; story; life history; historical paper; historical record; etymology; biography; recital; record;


indication; falsehood; overstatement; truth; pro;

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