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on what day Meaning in Bengali


on what day's Usage Examples:

They know not on what day, or who caused it, Or in what hour of the serene day Cwy was born, Or.

Caesarea (115–181): "We ought to celebrate the birth-day of our Lord on what day soever the 25th of December shall happen.

life and to tell church officials which saints were to be honored and on what day.

all anxiety for the aforesaid uneasiness; and, moreover, showed him on what day he was to depart this life.

The air dates varied in each city, depending on what day and time slot the Burnett agency was able to buy.

The specific dates of these holidays depend on what day of the week July 12 falls on.

describes the 19-year intercalation cycle, the rules for determining on what day of the week the first day of the month Tishrī shall fall, the interval.

The start of the vacation depends on what day of the week Christmas Eve is on.

with the injunction: "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come" (Matthew 24:42).

the M'MTB were able to tell which tram depot had issued the ticket, on what day and on which specific tram, and in which section of a particular route.

Metonic cycle, a 19-year intercalation cycle; the rules for determining on what day of the week the first day of the month Tishrei shall fall; calculates.

This varies between jurisdictions, and exact dates depend on what day of the week these respective months begin, as (with the exception of.

We ask the boy on what day of the week he was born.

the game takes place between September 29 and October 5, depending on what day the first Sunday in October falls on.

We said to him: Lord, on what day shall they enter in for their sisters' sake? Then said he to us: He that.

combat with him; and in this quarrel will adventure his life against him, on what day soever he shall be appointed.

combat with him, and in this quarrel will adventure his life against him on what day soever he shall be appointed.

It is not certain on what day the Russians began shelling the fort.


current; contemporary;


noncurrent; nonmodern; old;

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