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open place Meaning in Bengali

 মুক্ত স্থান, খোলা জায়গা,

open place's Usage Examples:

Jackson of the Cherokee Phoenix the meaning of the word is stated as "the open place where the grass grows".

woman's place which is and is only elected by self identifying women and open place which is open to anyone who identifies within the membership of the Campaign.

Arabic words: saha, which means "open place", and oula, which means "first".

This literally translates to "first open place".

Men and women form separate lines down the hall or in an open place of beaten earth, one group facing the other.

The name Tessenderlo means "(the open place in) the forest of the Taxandrians" It is along the Albert Canal and the.

), becoming a more open place for research and experimentation.

23 V 6 An open place in the neighborhood of Swinstead Abbey.

lauk being the name of a farm, Lauks, and rum meaning "open place".

This sums up to "The open place belonging to the Lauks people".

"Areola" is the diminutive of Latin area, "open place".

The name "an open place which is easy to defend" ( vigi: "easily defendable place" and -rum: open place).

and comes from the word agora (Ancient Greek: ἀγορά), referring to an open place for assembly and market in a polis (Ancient Greek: πόλις; city-state).

Pompeii was transformed into a much more public and open place.

The purpose of the institute was to provide an open place where senior officials from developing countries could discuss development.

The open place representatives are elected by delegates and any delegate or observer.

He described MIT as "a pretty free and open place, open to experimentation and without rigid requirements.

Józef Weyssenhoff Square is an open place in the downtown district of Bydgoszcz, Poland; several of its buildings are registered on the Kuyavian-Pomeranian.

fighting talk The Rer Sugule at the edge of the open place put down the young ones They don’t meet in an open place in good times —Maxamed Bulxan Dal Dhammeeye.

The campaign also has a second seat on the NEC, and this place is an open place, as in any student can run for it.


bed; snuggle; put in; lay; postpose; lose; inclose; set; perch; reposition; replace; superpose; intersperse; sign; misplace; marshal; dispose; stick in; plant; upend; posit; glycerolise; cock; set up; put back; recline; barrel; shelve; position; arrange; cram; docket; stratify; step; middle; sit; ensconce; seat; thrust; install; stand; bottle; park; deposit; parallelize; tee; pile; seed; pillow; glycerolize; place down; poise; displace; appose; sow; ladle; ground; trench; move; siphon; jar; stand up; mislay; settle down; prepose; lean; rack up; throw; nestle; pigeonhole; juxtapose; situate; underlay; enclose; emplace; recess; put down; ship; settle; sit down; instal; rest; pose; imbricate; bucket; insert; place upright; fix; lay over; butt; tee up; space; load; set down; repose; put; introduce; clap; coffin; superimpose;


deglycerolize; disarrange; level; abolish; close;

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