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opportunely Meaning in Bengali

opportunely's Usage Examples:

a Trojan ally, stalked Camilla on the battlefield, and, when she was opportunely distracted by her pursuit of Chloreus, killed her.

having been commenced and carried on during the famine years, came most opportunely to the relief of all classes of working people in the district, there.

the subsequent battle at the site of the plundered cache, he arrives opportunely to orchestrate the rescue of Jim and, as it turns out, Silver.

deserve as little credit as Livy's insinuation that his death occurred so opportunely, as to cast suspicion upon Hiero being the murderer of his own son.

payment dispute issue from the WLWR amalgamation into the GSWR in 1901 and opportunely purchased by the MGWR in the meanwhile.

Werner proves himself a hero and is opportunely discovered to be of noble birth, so all ends happily.

He opportunely met Bishop Wilberforce when the latter was seized by an illness in Italy.

opportunely took out a short lease on the Auckland City Hall in September 1893 and.

what purpose it is done, as it may be with a single or double mind, He opportunely subjoins, Judge not.

might probably have succeeded, had not Numbers from Whittlesey came opportunely to the Succour of the March-Men but after a sharp Engagement, wherein.

which they are interested in purchasing, and along the way, Gersen opportunely stops to rescue Pallis and capture Dasce, along with a prisoner Dasce.

Consequently, they are prevented from leaving and Tony and Shad arrive opportunely to offer help.

It was certainly he who, early in 1631, opportunely brought up his regiment, which had large number of Irishmen, including.

In that intimate association between the two men who had met so opportunely on the perron des variétés, it was often asked who was the leading partner.

communication through the church to inform people freely, objectively, opportunely and truthfully, in a manner that was not being provided by other media.

"as many errors as hits while Canton fielded almost perfectly and hit opportunely".

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