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optically Meaning in Bengali

 দৃষ্টিশক্তি পরীক্ষক,



optically's Usage Examples:

Such compounds are therefore described as optically active, with specific terms for each enantiomer based on the direction:.

through an optically active medium, for example clockwise polarization rotation from the point of view of an observer.

In case of optically active isotropic.

It includes techniques such as optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL).

In physics, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) is a method for measuring doses from ionizing radiation.

or by chemical reaction, of an optically active compound into a racemic (optically inactive) form.

Half of the optically active substance becomes its mirror.

Since they affect chirality, they produce optically active products from optically inactive or mixed starting materials.

Planar deformation features, or PDFs, are optically recognizable microscopic features in grains of silicate minerals (usually quartz or feldspar), consisting.

individual dots or patches which interacted optically.

By requiring the viewer to combine the colors optically instead of physically mixing pigments, Divisionists.

produced by optical interference when diverging light rays travel through an optically non-isotropic substance - that is, one in which the substance's refractive.

compound or meso isomer is a non-optically active member of a set of stereoisomers, at least two of which are optically active.

between C-1 and C-5; these two are asymmetric carbons, but tropane is optically inactive due to mirror symmetry.

Some rings are optically thin: the broad and faint 1986U2R/ζ, μ and ν rings are made of small dust.

light, and that are optically "soft" (i.

Anomalous diffraction theory applies to optically soft but larger particles.

enantiomer is formed in preference to the other, in a reaction that creates an optically active product from an achiral starting material, using either a chiral.

After the protostar blows away this envelope, it is optically visible, and appears on the stellar birthline in the Hertzsprung-Russell.

caused by passing polarized light through an optically active substance.

Some chemical substances are optically active, and polarized (uni-directional) light.

firearms), or optical devices that allow the user to see a sometimes optically enhanced (e.

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