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orbital plane Meaning in Bengali


কক্ষপথ সমতল,

orbital plane শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

  কেপলার-১১বি এর নতি ৮৮.৫° এর মানে এটা কক্ষপথ সমতল থেকে সামান্য বিচ্যুত, কিন্তু এটা কেপলার-১১বি এর সাথে আবিষ্কৃত অন্য পাঁচটি ।

orbital plane's Usage Examples:

orbital plane of a revolving body is the geometric plane in which its orbit lies.

Sun's radiation pressure and tend to remain roughly in the comet's orbital plane and eventually form a disc along the comet's orbit due to the ejection.

Another name for the plane is the auriculo-orbital plane.

It is expressed as the angle between a reference plane and the orbital plane or axis of direction of the orbiting object.

axis, or, equivalently, the angle between its equatorial plane and orbital plane.

This maneuver is also known as an orbital plane change as the plane of the orbit is tipped.

not form an eclipsing binary system because the inclination of the orbital plane to the line of sight to the Earth is about 67°± 13°.

and Moon will in general perturb the orbital plane.

For a sun-synchronous orbit, the precession of the orbital plane caused by the oblateness of the Earth.

It is in the third orbital plane used by GLONASS, in orbital slot 17.

The satellite is in orbital plane 1, in orbital slot 2.

(1749–1827), is a mean or reference plane about whose axis the instantaneous orbital plane of that satellite precesses.

Because the orbital plane of the Moon precesses in space, the lunar nodes also precess around.

It is in the first orbital plane of the GLONASS constellation, in orbital slot 1.

/niːkuː/) is a trans-Neptunian object that has an unusual 110° tilted solar orbital plane and retrograde orbit around the Sun.

It is in the first orbital plane of the GLONASS constellation, in orbital slot 7.

Because MESSENGER does not follow the same orbital plane as the Earth, the cameras on the spacecraft had to point up and down.

It is in the first orbital plane of the GLONASS constellation, in orbital slot 6.

It is in the first orbital plane of the GLONASS constellation, in orbital slot 5.

The satellite is in orbital plane 3, in orbital slot 18.

It is currently part of the GLONASS constellation in the first orbital plane, orbital slot 2.


plane; sheet;


uneven; roughen; natural object;

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