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orexis Meaning in Bengali



orexis শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

Solanum nigrum, Orchis maculata উদ্ভিদে অনিষিক্ত ডিম্বাণু থেকে হ্যাপলয়েড উদ্ভিদ সৃষ্টি হয় ।

(শ্রেণীবিহীন): Monocots বর্গ: Asparagales পরিবার: Orchidaceae Juss. গোষ্ঠীর ধরন Orchis Tourn. ex L. Subfamilies Apostasioideae Horaninov Cypripedioideae Kosteletzky ।

Kuntze Gastrochilus violaceus (Rchb.f.) Kuntze Limodorum retusum (L.) Sw. Orchis lanigera Blanco Rhynchostylis albiflora I.Barua ' Bora Rhynchostylis garwalica ।

orexis's Usage Examples:

Opposite of orexis.

eximious Gemeinschaft whose legerity and sophrosyne, whose Sprachgefühl and orexis will find more than fugacious fulfillment among its felicific pages.

One group named it orexin, from orexis, meaning "appetite" in Greek; the other group named it hypocretin, because.

nervosa" from the Greek ορθο- (ortho, "right" or "correct"), and όρεξις (orexis, "appetite"), literally meaning 'correct appetite', but in practice meaning.

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