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orthotropous Meaning in Bengali

(ক উদ্ভিদ ওভিউল এর

orthotropous's Usage Examples:

a peduncle and up to eight or nine terminal, sessile, contiguous and orthotropous (straight, upright and with a micropyle at apex) ovules.

consisting of a peduncle and helically arranged, up to about 100 small, orthotropous but incurved ovules; pedicel present; nucellus largely free.

ovule orientation in flowering plants), amphitropous, campylotropous, or orthotropous (anatropous are common and micropyle is in downward position and chalazal.

more or less dry, two ovules per carpel but one nearly always aborts, orthotropous, bitegmic, crassinucellated, pendulous, apical to marginal placentation.

Ligulistigma) stigma; the ovule is orthotropous.

Contrast anatropous, campylotropous, and orthotropous.

1-100 or more per carpel, anatropous, hemianatropous, amphitropous or orthotropous, mostly hemitropous, bitegmic, crassinucellate, chalaza with a ring of.

"Tanispermum, a new genus of hemi‐orthotropous to hemi‐anatropous angiosperm seeds from the Early Cretaceous of eastern.

attached by a variable number of sporangiophores with anatropous or orthotropous terminal sporangia (Good, 1978).

orthotropous's Meaning':

(of a plant ovule

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