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ossified Meaning in Bengali

 শক্ত করা, হাড়ে পরিণত করা, হাড়ে পরিণত হত্তয়া, শক্ত হত্তয়া,

ossified's Usage Examples:

birds, and ornithischian dinosaurs, portions of the tendon can become ossified.

damaged Primrose syndrome, a rare genetic disease in which cartilage becomes ossified.

be derived, and the ancestors of this group were bony fish with fully ossified skeletons.

the neck an elongated structure was discovered that was identified as an ossified tendon.

(extension) of the inferior (lower) part of the sternum, which is usually ossified in the adult human.

the balance between differentiation of mesenchymal precursor cells into ossified bone or cartilage.

dorsal end of each cartilage is connected with the ear-capsule and is ossified to form the malleus; the ventral ends meet each other in the region of.

An epiphyseal line is an epiphyseal plate that has become ossified.

ligament as it forms a bone to bone connection when the patella is fully ossified.

needed] Other distinguishing characteristics include a cartilaginous, less ossified skeleton and a shorter skull.

They had lateral line grooves, poorly ossified skulls and limbs, and evidence of external gills.

Like Murrindalaspis, it is only known from a dorsal plate and ossified eyeballs.

woodi does not possess lateral line sulci or an ossified branchial system.

holosteans are reduced to vestigial remnants and the bones are lightly ossified.

Qingmenodus reveals the first well-ossified otoccipital braincase in onychodonts.

possess certain teleost synapomorphies, such as cycloid scales and fully ossified vertebrae.

exhumed were analyzed and somewhat indicated that they were not completely ossified, suggesting that this taxon is closer in relation to the leatherbacks rather.

systematics because it retains a number of primitive features, such as ossified Meckel's cartilage, are not found in the genera Rhizodus and Strepsodus.

The suprascapular ligament can become completely or partially ossified.

Bluff, Wyoming, and consist of a nearly-complete right tibia with a co-ossified astragalus, probably of a juvenile.


fossilised; fossilized; inflexible;


adaptable; compromising; elastic; flexible;

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