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ossuaries Meaning in Bengali

মানুষের হাড় শেষকৃত্যের জন্য কোন আধার


অস্থি-আধার, মৃতদেহ বা মৃত ব্যক্তির অস্থি সংরক্ষণাগার,

ossuaries's Usage Examples:

Geriten is a Batak Karo term for ossuaries.

(French: Catacombes de Paris, pronunciation (help·info)) are underground ossuaries in Paris, France, which hold the remains of more than six million people.

It contained ten ossuaries, six inscribed with epigraphs, including one interpreted as "Yeshua bar.

states that ten ossuaries were found in the cave, of which six are the subject of the film.

Further, it claims that one of the ten ossuaries went missing.

0 in), which is slightly smaller than average compared to other ossuaries of the time.

The Caiaphas ossuary is one of twelve ossuaries or bone boxes, discovered in a burial cave in south Jerusalem in November 1990, two of which featured.

ossuaries's Meaning':

any receptacle for the burial of human bones




out-basket; in-basket;

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