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otalgia Meaning in Bengali

একটি বেদনা মধ্যম বা অন্তঃকর্ণ স্থানীয়কৃত

otalgia's Usage Examples:

with some sort of primary otalgia and 1/3 were diagnosed with some sort secondary otalgia.

A common cause of primary otalgia is ear infection called otitis.

The most reported complaints include sore throat, otalgia or dysphagia.

Pain in the external auditory canal (otalgia) can in rare cases be due to vagal neuralgia because of vascular compression.

0) halitosis hearing loss nasal discharge otalgia (H92.

Patients usually present with otorrhea, conductive hearing loss, and otalgia, while bleeding and a sensation of a mass are much less common.

There may be ear pain (otalgia), and the ear or mastoid region may be red (erythematous).

Symptoms include a sensation of fullness in the ear, otalgia, tinnitus, dysacusis, tension headache and vertigo.

discharge with foul smelling odour, blockage of Eustachian tube causing otalgia and secretory otitis media, retro orbital pain.

chronic discharge (otorrhea), or hearing loss, with or without ear pain (otalgia).

all patients and experienced as otalgia (earache).

Conversely, TMD is an important possible cause of secondary otalgia.

Symptoms include oedema in the area, trismus as well as otalgia.

in Israel (from 1990 to 1993) that produced symptoms of ear discharge, otalgia and itching, to the infection of a schnauzer in Umbria, Italy in 1994 by.

ot- ear Greek οὖς, ὠτός (oûs, ōtós) anotia, Aotus, microtia, Myosotis, otalgia, otic, otitis, otocephaly, otocleisis, otoconium, otocyst, otodynia, otolith.

preauricular pain (in front of the ear), or pain referred to the ear (otalgia).

otalgia's Meaning':

an ache localized in the middle or inner ear


ache; aching; earache;



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