outcropped Meaning in Bengali
পৃষ্ঠ মাটিতে পৃষ্ঠ থেকে আসা প্রদর্শিত
অসংগৃহীত, অকর্তিত, আকাটা,
Similer Words:
outcropped শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:
রাবার ইন্ডাস্ট্রি (নাম অসংগৃহীত), স্পঞ্জ ইন্ডাস্ট্রি (নাম অসংগৃহীত), পানামা বরফ কল, মুরাদ বরফ কল, কোল্ড স্টোরেজ (নাম অসংগৃহীত), রংপুরে অবস্থিত তামাক ইন্ডাস্ট্রি ।
এরচেয়ে বেশি সময় বয়ঃসন্ধিক চুল, বগলের নিচের চুল, গোঁফ ও হাতে পায়ের নখ অকর্তিত রাখা উচিত নয় ।
অকর্তিত চুল ও দাড়ি, তাদের নেওয়া প্রতিশ্রুতির প্রতীক, ইহা ওল্ড টেস্টামেন্টের নাসরীয়দের ।
যতবেশি মানুষকে অকর্তিত নখসহ কবর দেয়া হয়, জাহাজটি ততই বড় হতে থাকে ।
স্বাধীনতা সংগ্রামের প্রারম্ভের প্রতীকায়ন হিসেবে প্রথম মঞ্চটি তক্ষশীলা থেকে আনা আকাটা শিলা ও দ্বিতীয় মঞ্চে ভাঙা শিলা ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে ।
১৯৯৬ সালে স্যালিঞ্জার তার পূর্বে অসংগৃহীত নোভেলা “হ্যাপওরথ ১৬, ১৯২৪” প্রকাশের অনুমতি অর্কহিসেস প্রেস নামের একটি ছোট ।
outcropped's Usage Examples:
The early coal pits were dug to the shallow seams where they outcropped, particularly in the Irwell Valley and in Atherton.
proximity to large deposits of iron ore, most notably Iron Monarch which outcropped prominently from the relatively flat, surrounding landscape.
and the Flockton Thin at about 15 inches, were named from where they outcropped.
Spring water named Karasu, which outcropped from the valley slope, overspread on the landslide earth mass and formed.
The gardens include outcropped limestone walls on all sides, a horseshoe shaped pool, limestone foot.
progressively further west until the deepest coal seam, the Silkstone Seam which outcropped at the western edge of the coalfield.
a manorial estate and its owners began to exploit the coal seams that outcropped within its boundaries.
fell falls in long easy slopes of coarse grass and heather, with little outcropped rock in evidence.
The top is grassy with a little outcropped rock, a cairn marking the top.
" It has a steep shoreline with gray outcropped ledges that offers few opportunities for docking.
of grey embroidered with the 'Jesus Caritas' symbol of a heart with an outcropped cross and modified nomadic garb.
Attempts were made to exploit coal which outcropped in Bretton but were small in scale.
The early pits were adits where coal outcropped or bell pits where coal was close to the surface.
a few small adit, or drift, mines which were situated where the coal outcropped.
Coal outcropped on Aspland Beck and the seams were worked from shallow pits.
Some of this granite can be seen outcropped along the shore of Lake Avondale.
Michigan company opened the Calico amygdaloid, which held 3% copper ore, and outcropped on the Minesota property only 140 feet (43m) from the outcrop of the Minesota.
coal mining had been carried on since the Middle Ages where coal seams outcropped in Worsley and the surrounding area.
lay in the rich mineral deposits found in the surrounding area, which outcropped at the surface making extraction a relatively cheap process.
intersected a 3–4 foot thick quartz vein 90 feet from the entrance, which outcropped in an open-cut in the above hillside.
outcropped's Meaning':
appear on the surface come to the surface on the ground
outcropping; outthrust; stone; belay; rock outcrop; rock;
artifact; achromatic; unfasten; bad person; dematerialize;