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oviducts Meaning in Bengali

পারেন জরায়ু থেকে ডিম্বাশয় থেকে ডিম্বাণু পরিচালনার টিউব এক জোড়া



oviducts শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

প্রতিরূপ বলে মনে হয় এবং অদূর ভবিষ্যতে পিতামাতা কর্তৃক কোনও যত্ন ছাড়াই ডিম্বনালী থেকে বের হয় ।

যেমন ভ্যাসেকটমি (পুরুষের ভাস ডিফারেন্স বিচ্ছিন্নকরণ) বা লাইগেশন (নারীর ডিম্বনালী বিচ্ছিন্নকরণ), যদি না তা স্ত্রী প্রকৃতক্ষে অসুস্থ হয় বা নিশ্চিতভাবে সন্তানধারণে ।

ডিম্বাশয়গুলো অনেকগুলো ডিম্বনালী বা ওভারিওল দিয়ে গঠিত যেগুলো প্রজাতিভেদে বিভিন্ন আকার ও সংখ্যার হয়ে থাকে ।

নারীর ক্ষেত্রে, এই নালীগুলো ডিম্বনালী এবং জরায়ুর জন্ম দেয় ।

oviducts's Usage Examples:

The only female vertebrates to lack oviducts are the jawless fishes.

parent; histotrophic viviparity, where the zygotes develop in the female's oviducts, but are fed on other tissues; and hemotrophic viviparity, where the developing.

has been discovered with two eggs that may have still been inside its oviducts, although some evidence suggests that the eggs may have been incubated.

tentacle clubs may have hooks, the buccal supports are without suckers, and oviducts in females are paired.

The constituent ovarioles lead to two oviducts, which converge into a single oviduct.

Fallopian tubes are also known as oviducts, uterine tubes, and salpinges (singular salpinx).

their ovoviviparity; Xenomedea and Starksia both retain eggs within their oviducts, where they develop in safety.

At the time of fertilization, the eggs travel along oviducts to be fertilized by the sperm and are then expelled from the body ("laid").

covering their eyes, something common to myopsid squid, and have paired oviducts, lacking in myopsids.

In histotrophic viviparity, the zygotes develop in the female's oviducts, but she provides no direct nutrition; the embryos survive by eating her.

Only rudimentary oviducts are developed, though, preventing eggs from actually being laid.

Avidin is a tetrameric biotin-binding protein produced in the oviducts of birds, reptiles and amphibians and deposited in the whites of their eggs.

they transport sperm up the reproductive tract from the vagina to the oviducts, which decreases the distance it has to travel.

study and witnessed either direct birth of tadpoles or tadpoles in the oviducts on 19 occasions.

Fallopian tubes, also known as uterine tubes, salpinges (singular salpinx), or oviducts, are tubes that stretch from the uterus to the ovaries, and are part of.

In females, these gonads are then connected by oviducts to an opening to the outside of the body, typically the cloaca, but sometimes.

skin sculpture which includes star-shaped papillae, and the females have oviducts with hare distally swollen.

In addition, damaged oviducts increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Females have paired oviducts.

oviducts's Meaning':

either of a pair of tubes conducting the egg from the ovary to the uterus

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