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oxtail Meaning in Bengali



oxtail's Usage Examples:

An oxtail.

Coda alla vaccinara [ˈkoːda alla vattʃiˈnaːra] is an oxtail stew in modern Roman cuisine including various vegetables, notably celery.

balbakoa, is a Filipino beef stew made from beef, collagen-rich beef parts (oxtail, skin, and joints), and various spices cooked for several hours until very.

It is made from a variation base of stewed oxtail, beef tripe, pork hocks, calves feet, pig's feet or trotters, various cuts.

to a soup in Korean cuisine made with various beef parts such as ribs, oxtail, brisket, ox's head or ox bones by slow simmering on a low flame.

Common soups in German restaurants include oxtail, beef or chicken broth with noodles, dumplings, or rice, goulash, split.

Coda alla vaccinara is a modern Roman cuisine stew made with oxtail.

The old-fashioned coda alla vaccinara (oxtail cooked in the way of butchers) is still one of the city's most popular meals.

the true ambassadors of nations, and the title character Ochsenschwanz ("oxtail") is a reference to the boxer Max Schmeling.

include pescaito frito (fried fish), gazpacho, Cordoban salmorejo, pringá, oxtail, jamón ibérico (Iberian ham), prepared olives, alboronía, poleá, anise,.

This had the effect of outlawing T-bone steaks, prime ribs and oxtail as well as some soups and stocks.

by a deaf parent or guardian Coda alla vaccinara, an Italian stew using oxtail Syllabic coda, the final consonant(s) of a syllable Caudate sonnet, an expanded.

require cooking for long periods; some kind of cartilaginous meat, such as oxtail and marrowbone; vegetables: mainly root vegetables like carrots, turnips.


oxtail soup; tail;


middle; beginning; front;

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