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pallial Meaning in Bengali


আসক্ত, অসম্পূর্ণ, অপূর্ণ, একতরফা, পক্ষপাতদুষ্ট, পক্ষপাতপূর্ণ, খণ্ডিত, একচক্ষু, একপার্শ্বিক, একদেশদর্শী, দৈশিক, পক্ষপাতী, অর্ধ, আংশিক,

pallial শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

এদের নলাকার, খণ্ডিত দেহ দেখতে ছোট ছোট আংটির (অঙ্গুরী) মালার মতো, তাই নাম "অঙ্গুরীমাল" ।

পরম সত্য সম্পর্কে অন্যান্য জীব ও তাঁদের মতামত অসম্পূর্ণ এবং শ্রেষ্ঠতর ক্ষেত্রে আংশিক সত্য ।

ট্রাকিয়ালিস পেশী এই অপূর্ণ রিংগুলিকে পূর্ণতা দেয় এবং ।

মহামহোপাধ্যায় হরপ্রসাদ শাস্ত্রী, নেপালের রাজদরবারের গ্রন্থশালা থেকে চর্যার একটি খণ্ডিত পুঁথি উদ্ধার করেন ।

শ্বাসনালীতে ১৫ থেকে ২০টি অপূর্ণ C আকৃতির তরুণাস্থির রিং রয়েছে,যা বায়ু পরিবহনের রাস্তাকে রক্ষা করে ।

pallial's Usage Examples:

known by the Latin word pallium meaning mantle, robe or cloak, adjective pallial) is a significant part of the anatomy of molluscs: it is the dorsal body.

The pallial sinus is an indentation or inward bending in the pallial line on the interior of a bivalve mollusk shell's valves that corresponds to the position.

the ctenidium (comb-like respiratory apparatus) and osphradium, and the pallial cavity has been modified as a lung.

The non-pallial part of the telencephalon builds the subpallium.

slugs characterized by the ability to breathe air, by virtue of having a pallial lung instead of a gill, or gills.

The pallial line is a mark (a line) on the interior of each valve of the shell of a bivalve mollusk.

indicated on the interior of the shell surface as a pallial sinus, an indentation in the pallial line.

nomenclature has divided the region into the arcopallium and posterior pallial amygdala.

The animals bore into stone or coral rock with the help of pallial gland secretions, hence the systematic name Lithophaga, which means "stone-eater".

The foot is a cream-orange color, and the dozens of pallial tentacles are translucent and colorless, arranged in two series of different.

The pallial line and adductor scars are distinct.

The pallial sinus is U-shaped, not extending beyond the midline.

rounder than the hard clam, usually has black periostracum, and there is no pallial sinus in the interior of the shell.

the periostracum is usually black, and on the interior of the shell, the pallial line has no indentation, or sinus.

Birds have a unique pallial structure known as the hyperpallium, once called the hyperstriatum.

ear-shaped protrusions near the hinge line) and scallop shells lack a pallial sinus.

pulmonates have lost their gills and adapted the mantle cavity into a pallial lung.

Bivalves that can withdraw the siphons into the shell have a "pallial sinus", a sort of pocket, into which the siphons can fit when they are.

These are known as pallial tentacles.

2016a, Mitogenomics of Vetigastropoda: insights into the evolution of pallial symmetry.

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