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palpi Meaning in Bengali



palpi শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

পালিভাষা সাহিত্য: ছন্দ ও অলঙ্কার পালি সাহিত্যে ধষ্মপদ কোসল ও মার সংযুক্ত "ঢাবির ।

রবীন্দ্রনাথের নির্দেশেই আবার তিনি নিজেকে নিয়োজিত করলেন পালিভাষা চর্চায়---অচিরেই রচনা করলেন পালিভাষার প্রথম ব্যকরণ পালি প্রকাশ ।

palpi's Usage Examples:

Pedipalps (commonly shortened to palps or palpi) are the second pair of appendages of chelicerates – a group of arthropods including spiders, scorpions.

They have grooved palpi, which are covered in cilia.

digitate, adult abdomen segments without dorsal spines, absence of maxillary palpi and fronto-clypeal suture, and immobile abdominal segments in pupae and.

Labial palpi moderately long, porrected, slender, with appressed scales, pointed.

Maxillary palpi 3 absent, 4 absent, 6 absent,.

Euphaedra have orange palpi while those of Bebearia are brown.

R4+5 (branched in Bombyliidae), the extremely reduced or absent maxillary palpi (present in Bombyliidae), wings held together over the abdomen at rest (held.

millimeters long, have eight legs with combs instead of claws, and have palpi that end in prominent hooks.

In Coeliadinae the second segment of the palpi is erect and densely scaled, and the third segment is perpendicular to it.

The labial palpi have long yellow hairs.

Terminal joint of palpi shorter than second.

Tuft of palpi long.

The palpi are whitish.

erect The palpi when vertical, i.

the axis of the palpi is at right angles to the axis of the body.

Terminal joint of palpi as long as second.

The terminal joint of palpi shorter than second.

The palpi are relatively large and protrude in front of the head like a short beak.

The labial palpi longer than head and thorax.

The palpi are porrected, the second joint broadly scaled, terminal very short.

The palpi are whitish.

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