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papule Meaning in Bengali

papule's Usage Examples:

dermatomyositis Gottron's papules on finger joints Gottron's papules on the elbows of a person with juvenile DM Gottron's papules Gottron's papules on a person with.

A papule is a circumscribed, solid elevation of skin with no visible fluid, varying in area from a pinhead to 1 cm.

primary lesion that is a pruritic or painful erythematous follicular-based papule that develops central necrosis and crusting and heals with a varioliform.

coronae glandis (also known as hirsutoid papillomas and pearly penile papules; PPP) are small protuberances that may form on the ridge of the glans of.

3 cm papules present over the sides of the nose and the medial portions of the cheeks.

results in small bumps called piezogenic pedal papules or piezogenic papules.

Though piezogenic papules are most commonly found on the heel, they can also.

slow-growing tumor usually presenting as a pink, flesh-coloured, or yellow papule or nodule.

Fibrous papule of the nose (also known as "Benign solitary fibrous papule," and "Fibrous papule of the face") occurs in adults and is characterized by.

epithelioma") is a cutaneous condition that appears as a yellow or orange papule.

2- to 1-cm papule commonly found on sun-exposed surfaces of the vermilion border of the lip.

"plaque") is a rare inflammatory condition which makes its presence known as a papule, plaque or ulceration that usually affects the genitourinary tract.

is a cutaneous condition characterized by a central brown or violaceous papule that is surrounded by an ecchymotic halo.

Hair follicle nevus is a cutaneous condition that presents as a small papule from which fine hairs protrude evenly from the surface.

These cells occur in a variety of lesions, such as the fibrous papule of the nose, ungual fibroma, acral fibrokeratoma, acral angiofibroma and.

reddish-brown or flesh-colored, slightly raised, flat-surfaced, well-demarcated papule of 2 to 5 mm in diameter.

nevus is a skin condition characterized by a dark brown to black macule or papule, usually less than 6 mm.

(also known as "Kerinokeratosis papulosa") is a keratotic, flesh-colored papule that is either sporadic or familial, and may be generalized or segmental.

characterized by a verrucous skin-colored, dirty-gray or brown papule.

Generally, multiple papules present simultaneously, and coalesce to form a serpiginous.

commonly, a gumboil) is an oral lesion characterized by a soft erythematous papule (red spot) that develops on the alveolar process in association with a non-vital.

focal mucinosis is a skin condition characterized by a solitary nodule or papule.


zit; pimple; hickey; papulovesicle; vesicopapule;

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