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parametrisation Meaning in Bengali

parametrisation's Usage Examples:

Parametrization, also spelled parameterization, parametrisation or parameterisation, is the process of defining or choosing parameters.

given parametrisation.

For example, the unit circle is an algebraic curve (pedantically, the real points of such a curve); the usual parametrisation by trigonometric.

There exist several known parametrisation of the implied volatility surface, Schonbucher, SVI and gSVI.

There exist few known parametrisation of the volatility surface (Schonbusher, SVI, and gSVI) as well as their.

A modular elliptic curve is an elliptic curve E that admits a parametrisation X0(N) → E by a modular curve.

geometry, parametrization (or parameterization; also parameterisation, parametrisation) is the process of finding parametric equations of a curve, a surface.

[according to whom?][year needed] A number of parametrisations of approximately heart-shaped curves have been described.

computer model involves many simplifications such as the development of parametrisation schemes, which introduce errors into the forecast.

An example of such a parametrisation − which was used to plot the picture − is given by ƒ : [0,2π)2 → R3.

parametric representation or parameterization (alternatively spelled as parametrisation) of the object.

If S is given by a unit speed parametrisation γ : R → R 2 {\displaystyle \gamma :\mathbf {R} \to \mathbf {R} ^{2}}.

The following parametrisation in Cartesian coordinates defines a particular helix; perhaps the simplest.

(1995/2004) argue that the inverse chi-squared parametrisation is more intuitive.

It was not until 1978 that Bernard Morin found the first parametrisation, with the aid of computers.

"JULES-crop: a parametrisation of crops in the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator" (PDF).

and γ : I → R 2 {\displaystyle \gamma :I\to \mathbb {R} ^{2}} be a parametrisation of a smooth plane curve.

concept behind IBMR is the plenoptic illumination function which is a parametrisation of the light field.

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