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parasitemia Meaning in Bengali



parasitemia's Usage Examples:

thick film, an experienced microscopist can detect parasite levels (or parasitemia) as few as 5 parasites/µL blood.

Infections thereafter may exhibit little or no symptomatology in spite of parasitemia.

Clinical findings associated with high parasitemia are anemia, diarrhea and weight loss that may lead to death.

The parasitemia can be determined via blood film, to keep it within the wanted limits.

in flamingos is unclear, though researchers hypothesize that a high parasitemia could potentially be deadly to the host.

The antigenic variation causes cyclical waves of parasitemia, which is one of the characteristics of Human African Trypanosomiasis.

to 34 days, the acute phase of infection occurs, during which marked parasitemia is often observed.

Macrogametocytes are found only in mature erythrocytes even during heavy parasitemia.

combination therapies, the rollout of rapid diagnostic tests, and the recent parasitemia estimates that noted a significant decrease of the prevalence of malaria.

The 2016 Malaria Indicator Survey demonstrated parasitemia ranges from 6 percent in Western Urban to 58 percent in Koinadugu district.

As a result of the scale-up of malaria control interventions, parasitemia in children under five years of age fell from six percent nationwide.

using a cruzipain DNA-based vaccine that has demonstrated a decrease in parasitemia, inflammatory cell infiltrate, and tissue damage in models of infection.

"Experimental infection with Rangelia vitalii in dogs: acute phase, parasitemia, biological cycle, clinical-pathological aspects and treatment".


parasitaemia; blood disorder; blood disease;


hypervolemia; hypovolemia;

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