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parleying Meaning in Bengali

parleying's Usage Examples:

both past and present tense; in present tense the term is referred to as parleying.

Dragons modules in that it encourages a non-violent approach (mainly parleying and true role-playing tactics) to achieving the module's goals.

Scerdilaidas later adopted Roman rule and became an enemy of Macedonia for parleying with Rome.

Duy Phung against Tự Đức broke out in 1861, the Vietnamese court was parleying with admiral Louis Adolphe Bonard in the south.

He is perhaps best known for parleying with American Indian Movement activists in an attempt to negotiate a peaceful.

In March, after a month of back-and-forth parleying, Mehmed lost patience and imprisoned Al Thani's brother and between 13.

For the moment they are parleying with the king's brother-in-law and minister, Ali Ahmad Jan, whose forces.

to take him prisoner, leaned upon his shield, as was his custom when parleying with his enemies; the man raised up his right hand in order to throw a.

"demand for [Assam's] sovereignty does not mean secession" but disapproves parleying with the Indian government unless the agenda of sovereignty for Assam.

strike him with a hatchet, He is permitted by the King To drop all formal parleying – And then you're sure to catch it! Ghosts must not trespass where other.

Therefore, Clovis departed from the kingdom after parleying with Gundobad, who agreed to pay annual tribute.

Some later accounts have Scipio treacherously captured while parleying, but this is probably a Roman fabrication.

in 1405 by Archbishop Scrope almost without bloodshed by successfully parleying with the rebels on 29 May 1405 at Shipton Moor.

In March, after a month of back-and-forth parleying, Mehmed lost patience and imprisoned Sheikh Jassim's brother and between.

After some parleying in relation to the prisoners, one company (w)as ordered to march into.

been staged after six months of trying (probably because Rich was still parleying with Cibber about his availability as Lord Foppington), John was still.

When parleying produced no result, a battle was to occur.

Ambrose Dudley himself had been shot in the leg when parleying with the French and returned to England seriously ill.


negotiation; talks; dialogue;


buy; fail; dissuade; inactivity;

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