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passage money Meaning in Bengali

 গাড়ীভাড়া, পথখরচ,

passage money's Usage Examples:

and she was so slow it cost us more to feed the passengers than the passage money amounted to.

A bridge keeper at Echtenerbrug who traditionally receives passage money.

raising the money still owed to the Venetians through the collection of passage money from the individual crusaders.

We had put down our passage money— booked a sailing to Bombay.

family was not rich and they had to sell his youngest brother to obtain passage money overseas, and also to leave some money for his mother, who was going.

London and wagered his return passage money that he would win.

Farrell won the race and doubled his return passage money.

After working out their contracts for passage money to Virginia and completing their indenture, each was granted 50 acres.

On their return, an amount of "road collop" or passage money was demanded by the Clan Mackintosh, as was the custom in the Scottish.

government agreeing to pay £6 for each child towards the cost of the passage money.

For this service she earned passage money of Rs 1,000.

all; seduced by this appeal, Lansbury and Bessie raised the necessary passage money, and in May 1884 set sail with their children for Brisbane.

Victorian diggers unable to pay their fares; they were to work out their passage money on return to Melbourne.

He got a house together for his family and sent his wife the passage money a year later.

of the fine imposed by the government, as well as "10 per head and passage money for every passenger carried in excess of the license limit.

After Lauts had helped Van der Hoff to find passage money to Cape Town, he and his wife reached their destination in November.

assisting in the repairs to Tiger that Captain Richards refunded them their passage money.

Lang's promise of free land in proportion to their passage money was not realised due to colonial bureaucracy and his scheme failed.


change of state; fossilisation; transition; segue; fossilization;


natural object; finish; closing; take away; disassemble;

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