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passivated Meaning in Bengali

passivated's Usage Examples:

Spent upper stages are generally passivated after their use as launch vehicles is complete, as are satellites when.

Depending upon synthesis conditions, the surface of the alane may be passivated with a thin layer of aluminum oxide and/or hydroxide.

A hydrogen-terminated silicon surface is a chemically passivated silicon substrate whose silicon atoms covalently bonded to hydrogen.

Pitting remains among the most common and damaging forms of corrosion in passivated alloys,[citation needed] but it can be prevented by control of the alloy's.

mandrels are treated to create a mechanical parting layer, or are chemically passivated to limit electroform adhesion to the mandrel and thereby allow its subsequent.

reaction as the result of an increase in the ability of an alloy to be passivated by the introduction of an active cathode into the alloy e.

Iron bar surface is passivated as long as the pH value is higher than 10.

arm of the International Trade Union Confederation PERC solar cell, a passivated emitter rear contact (PERC) solar cell Dell PERC, PowerEdge RAID Controller.

II - Iron particles originating in-situ on unpassivated or improperly passivated stainless steel surfaces.

A thin film of oxidation, or an otherwise passivated layer, tends to form in most environments, particularly those with high.

"Chemisorption of phosphoric acid and surface characterization of As passivated AlN powder against hydrolysis".

size up to hundreds of gold atoms, above which they are classified as passivated gold nanoparticles.

capacitor is a polarized capacitor whose anode electrode (+) is made of passivated niobium metal or niobium monoxide on which an insulating niobium pentoxide.

Centaur passivated second stage launched on September 17, 2014 broke up, creating space debris.

March 23–25, 2018: Atlas V Centaur passivated second stage.

of its mission Planck was put into a heliocentric graveyard orbit and passivated to prevent it from endangering any future missions.

storing hydrogen peroxide in an aluminium container, the container can be passivated by rinsing it with a dilute solution of nitric acid and peroxide alternating.

Stainless steel wine racks are passivated in order to get a dull, mat look and electropolished with a reflective.

A spacecraft moved to a graveyard orbit will typically be passivated.

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