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pay back Meaning in Bengali

 পরিশোধ করা, সমুচিত প্রতিশোধ গ্রহণ করা, শোধ দেত্তয়া, শুধা, প্রতিশোধ গ্রহণ করা,

pay back শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

প্রকল্প: ব্রিটিশ আমেরিকান টোব্যাকো কর্পোরেট সদর দফতর নিনাকাবো এপিলিয়ন হোল্ডিংস শুধা সদন শাখা-প্রশখা (ফরিদুর রেজা সাগরের বাসভবন) ভুট রেস্তোঁরা আমরা - রেস্তোঁরা ।

স্বভূমিকা এনডিটিভি ইমাজিন ২০০৯ সূর্য অর সুহানি সুহানি স্টার প্লাস ২০০৯–১০ জ্যোতি শুধা / দেবিকা এনডিটিভি ইমাজিন ২০১০ মীঠি ছোড়ি নং ১ সর্বশেষ পর্বের প্রতিযোগী ২০১০–১১ ।

pay back's Usage Examples:

default is the failure or refusal of the government of a sovereign state to pay back its debt in full when due.

credit refers to a rating which indicates the likelihood a borrower will pay back their loan.

The originator had to pay back all the money to claimants, likewise all who benefited had to return their.

individual, a business, company or a government), predicting their ability to pay back the debt, and an implicit forecast of the likelihood of the debtor defaulting.

the copyright claim was declared invalid and Warner Chappell agreed to pay back "14 million in licensing fees.

Years later Muhammad got the chance to pay back the love he got from Fatima bint Asad, by adopting Ali, Fatima's youngest.

DISCOMs, to take over 75 percent of their debt as of September 30, 2015, and pay back lenders by selling bonds.

cooperative bank that became defunct and lost its licence after it was unable to pay back the money it owed public depositors.

an economy that produces and sells goods and services is sufficient to pay back debts without incurring further debt.

to honour a Constitutional Court verdict that ordered the government to pay back pensions that had been denied in the early 1990s.

debt payments also increased, making it harder for borrowing countries to pay back their debts.

spelled "mooch," refers to "someone who constantly borrows but does not pay back.

A problem arose when Osborn could pay back only "98,000, as the other "2,000 had been used to pay the salary of Osborn's.

They may predict a film will do very well and pay back the cost of production but only get a portion back.

are able to pay back they can raise a P2P loan from Qifang; for those primary and/or middle school students who are not able to pay back, they can also.

" Due to his troubles with the IRS for failure to pay back taxes, Brown credited authorship of the song to his wife Deidre and their.

received considerable media attention when she announced that she would pay back her tuition to the University of Oklahoma if the Sooners did not win the.

drunken miller Robin to "quite" (a Middle English term meaning requite or pay back, in both good and negative ways) "The Knight's Tale".


saddle; body; trunk; latissimus dorsi; dorsum; thoracic vertebra; lumbar vertebra; small; torso; body part; dorsal vertebra; lat;


hardness; thinness; large; big; unlimited;

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