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pecunia Meaning in Bengali


অপরাজিতা গোত্রীয় বা কলেকর আকারের ফুলগাছ বা উহার ফুল,

pecunia's Usage Examples:

The Latin word for money, pecunia, is proof that Romans always saw cattle (pecus) as the source of wealth.

– Sacerdos perpetua, Sine pecunia, Sua pecunia.

C(ai) f(ilia) / Quadratilla / amphitheatrum et / templum Casinatibus / sua pecunia fecit" (CIL X, 5183).

and Papyrus Research, where he finished his Habilitation ('Das Edikt De pecunia constituta') in 2009 (in Roman Law, Civil Law, Ancient Legal History, and.

United States, but it reads "carcass" instead of "annuit coeptis", "somnus pecunia cibus" instead of "novus ordo seclorum" and "MCMXCV" instead of "MDCCLXXVI".

It also might be connected to the word pecunia, which in Latin means money, richness, referring to the lands of that place.

absolvere hominem nocentissimum possent, neque eum de quo esset orta suspicio pecunia oppugnatum, re illa incognita, primo condemnare vellent, non liquere dixerunt.

(see also: SPEF) Double-studded packoff flange, a type of flange De sua pecunia fecit (Latin for "done with his own money"; also abbreviated D.

later" (nam ideo patrem Argentini Aescolanum posuerunt, quia prius aerea pecunia in usu esse coepit, post argentea).

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