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pejoratively Meaning in Bengali

pejoratively's Usage Examples:

In the second sense verse is also used pejoratively in contrast to poetry to suggest work that is too pedestrian or too incompetent.

commonly used in wargaming and role playing game communities, often pejoratively, as the "rules lawyer" is seen as an impediment to moving the game forward.

over issues such as gentrification, some writers began using the term pejoratively.

Originally meaning "strange" or "peculiar", queer came to be used pejoratively against those with same-sex desires or relationships in the late 19th.

Russian: Истинно-Православная Церковь, "True Orthodox Church"), often pejoratively referred to as "Zealotry", is a movement within Eastern Orthodox Christianity.

The Nyangatom also known as Donyiro and pejoratively as Bumé are Nilotic agro-pastoralists inhabiting the border of southwestern Ethiopia and southeastern.

As such the term may be used pejoratively or as a buzz word, often in the context of political opinions, theology.

The term is also used pejoratively to describe music whose composer, thought to be lacking originality,.

Because of this, the term "coffee table book" can be used pejoratively to indicate a superficial approach to the subject[citation needed].

[citation needed] Often pejoratively called "dirty ice cream", it is distinct from the similarly named sorbet.

Colloquially, the word despot applies pejoratively to those who use their power and authority to oppress their populace.

during the October 1974 general election and a phrase used (sometimes pejoratively) to describe the political strategy of John Smith, leader of the Labour.

The term is often used pejoratively to describe the Christian right in the United States.

The wannabe connotation may be used pejoratively, implying a failed attempt at cultural appropriation by a white person.

Godos is still used pejoratively in the Canary Islands for the peninsular Spanish, and in Chile for Spaniards.

"Podge" and "Paddy"); the latter Anglicisation is often used, sometimes pejoratively, as a term for Irish people as a whole.

The term was introduced by Ukrainophiles, who used it pejoratively.

" Additionally, legalism pejoratively refers to the view, held by some fundamentalist Christians, that Christians.

Those who cross the picket line and work despite the strike are known pejoratively as scabs.

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