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pelvics Meaning in Bengali


বস্তির নিম্নদেশ,

pelvics's Usage Examples:

fin in mid-body, with a small skin-flap fin behind it above anal fin; pelvics on abdomen behind pectoral base, with 9 rays, inner rays about same length.

spiny while the second is soft-rayed), large pectoral fins and slender pelvics.

short, and rounded, inserted fairly low on the body and posterior to the pelvics.

The fins (especially the dorsal, pectoral, and pelvics) of the sicklefin lemon shark are more falcate (sickle-shaped) than those.

The pectorals are dusty hyaline, the pelvics are usually black with a white leading edge and the caudal fin is also.

minnows; the thoracic position in sunfish; and the jugular position, when the pelvics are anterior to the pectoral fins, as seen in the burbot.

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