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pentasyllabic Meaning in Bengali

pentasyllabic's Usage Examples:

heptasyllabic, although one (Pour la meillour) is decasyllabic and there are pentasyllabic lines in the others.

, "word" is a word, "noun" is a noun, "English" is English, "pentasyllabic" has five syllables).

Songs contain 670 poems by many different authors, mainly comprising pentasyllabic poetry but also some yuefu lyrical verse and other types of poems.

Based upon a new, pentasyllabic, verse-form (chakhrukhauli), Chakhrukhadze's poetry is remarkable for.

This pentasyllabic song form, dominant in the Six Dynasties period, may have carried over.

verses of seven syllables formed of two measures (4+3 or 3+4), and pentasyllabic verses of five syllables also formed of two measures (2+3 or 3+2).

the English word "English" is autological, as are "unhyphenated" and "pentasyllabic".

Complete Texts of the Four Classified Collections: Li Ye excelled at pentasyllabic shi poetry .

Within the shi form, there was a preference for pentasyllabic lines, which had been the dominant metre since the second century C.

Ephrem composed hymns in the same pentasyllabic metre and had them sung to the same tunes as the psalms of Bardaisan.

64 heptasyllabic jueju 絕句 "stopped-short line" quatrains, and one pentasyllabic verse on the Taiyi 太一 "Great Unity".

of Shi in Tang dynasty in heptasyllabic (with seven characters) and pentasyllabic (with five characters) style: 白雪歌送武判官归京 (岑参) 月下独酌(李白) 北风卷地白草折,胡天八月即飞雪。.

Tsar (1834–1836) was the first time a composer of art music set the pentasyllabic hemistichs of Russian wedding songs in quintuple meter instead of adapting.

audience, since most of the Perfected Ones' verses had the then current pentasyllabic meter favored by the Eastern Jin literati themselves (Kroll 1996: 180).




unsyllabic; nonsyllabic;

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