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percentage sign Meaning in Bengali


শতাংশ সাইন,

percentage sign's Usage Examples:

calculation, engineering notation display modes, gradian angle mode, percentage sign, three 2-variable statistic modes (logarithmic, exponent, power), hyperbolic.

either an alphabetic code or abbreviation, as in 200px or 50vw; or a percentage sign, as in 80%.

Other scribal abbreviations in modern typographic use are the percentage sign (%), from the Italian per cento ('per hundred'); the permille sign.

The percentage sign is used as a mood meter, and he encourages his fans to use it to show.

(plaque) paved (plaque) Hill (bicycle) Hill blocks view Steep grade percentage sign, Idaho Watch downhill speed, California The MUTCD's W8 series of signs.


proportion; per centum; percent; vacancy rate; occupancy rate; absentee rate; unemployment rate; pct;


outgo; losings; inside; outside; end;

percentage sign's Meaning in Other Sites