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perpetuated Meaning in Bengali

 চিরস্থায়ী করা, বাঁচাইয়া রাখা, অনন্ত স্থায়িত্ব দেত্তয়া, অবিরাম স্থায়িত্ব দেত্তয়া, বিস্মৃতি হইতে রক্ষা করা, বিলোপ হইতে রক্ষা করা,


বিস্মৃতি হইতে রক্ষা করা, অবিরাম স্থায়িত্ব দেত্তয়া, অনন্ত স্থায়িত্ব দেত্তয়া, বাঁচাইয়া রাখা, চিরস্থায়ী করা,

perpetuated শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

থেকে মেয়েদের বঞ্চিত করা মানেই লিঙ্গ বৈষম্য এবং দারিদ্রের দুষ্টচক্রকে চিরস্থায়ী করা

perpetuated's Usage Examples:

prejudices and stereotypes that marginalize or underestimate LGBT people are perpetuated.

be abandoned because of mounting opposition to the apartheid policy perpetuated by the South African government.

state's equal treatment of women and men without challenging inequalities perpetuated by employers, educational and religious institutions, and other elements.

alleged sightings never occurred: science fiction writer Otto Binder perpetuated a hoax claiming Apollo 11 Commander Neil Armstrong had encountered UFOs.

The error was perpetuated by Bede and Geoffrey of Monmouth, both of whom refer to a tribune called.

Great War Canadian Expeditionary Force battalions perpetuated by the Lincoln and Welland Regiment include the 81st Battalion, CEF,.

been solely selected by Parke Davis, which is an error that has been perpetuated since the first appearance of Parke Davis' selections in the NCAA book.

The names of lakes amalgamated into the reservoir are perpetuated as names for the various stretches of water.

ancient myths fostered by the Greeks and the Phoenicians, and later perpetuated by the Romans, the two points marked the limit to the known world; although.

system was first devised by the London and North Eastern Railway, and perpetuated by British Rail to ascertain which locomotives can work on which lines.

They are perpetuated by being passed on to others within the group or outside it.

Riding School which existed in the area from 1885 through 1920, and was perpetuated by the Packard automobile dealership that was built in 1910.

Feminism in Thailand is perpetuated by many of the same traditional feminist theory foundations, though Thai feminism is facilitated through a medium.

The GWR perpetuated the type in the GWR 5600 Class.

No old specimens are known to survive, but the tree is perpetuated by numerous root suckers, notably in the lanes about the Alice Lisle.

The 133rd Battalion is perpetuated by the 56th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA.

memorial where the names of the Righteous Among the Nations would be perpetuated.

motto of Pierre Larousse, the namesake of Les Editions Larousse, and perpetuated in Larousse's publications is "Je sème à tout vent" ("I sow to all winds").

spheres so that women and men benefit equally and inequality is not perpetuated.

It is perpetuated due to the prevalence of perceptions, stereotypes, and images of certain.


carry on; preserve; continue; bear on; uphold; eternize;


waste; stay in place; refrain; stifle; discontinue;

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