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persists Meaning in Bengali

 জিদ করা, অবিরত লাগিয়া থাকা, স্থায়ী অবস্থায় থাকা, জিদ ধরা,


জিদ ধরা, স্থায়ী অবস্থায় থাকা, অবিরত লাগিয়া থাকা, জিদ করা,

persists's Usage Examples:

Such confusion of "high" and "low" persists in instrumental terminology.

While sensory memory persists for several milliseconds, working memory persists for up to thirty seconds, and long-term memory persists from thirty minutes.

process was first performed in Kyoto, Japan, in the 1920s and its popularity persists today.

them, leading to confusion in the early literature, a confusion which persists.

separate heritage and religion, this distinct identity - while it still persists - has, over time, become increasingly blurred and harder to maintain.

includes prejudice against or hostility toward outsiders or rival groups and persists even in the face of overwhelming opposition.

Although most are settled by now, the Yörük culture still persists.

persistence refers to the characteristic of state of a system that outlives (persists more than) the process that created it.

Congolese nationalism persists among the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in spite of civil.

To search for the hypokeimenon is to search for that substance that persists in a thing going through change—its basic essence.

However, the term persists in some cases (e.

Mickiewicz later disparaged the work, its cultural influence in Poland persists.

self-love, as it embraces a universal, unconditional love that transcends and persists regardless of circumstance.

and assimilated into the Chinese religion, although Manchu folk religion persists with a distinct character within broader Chinese religion.

However, as the demand persists throughout the year, smaller quantities are made round the year.

language persists and the intrusive language disappears) or the substratum one (the local language disappears and the intrusive language persists) applies.

The effect is evident after 20–30 minutes after administration and persists for at least 4 hours.

Below the summit on the north face, a small remnant glacier persists, sheltered from direct sunlight by steep cliffs.

It usually persists for a very long time, and often until the patient is around 40 years old.

The more visible hair that persists into adulthood is called terminal hair.


die hard; continue; reverberate; run; endure; prevail; carry over;


allow; regenerate; tractable; obedient; docile;

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