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perturb Meaning in Bengali

 আকুল করা , বিচলিত করা , উদ্বিগ্ন করা


শান্তিভঙ্গ করা, বিব্রত করা, চঁচল করা, বিচলিত করা, কষ্ট দেত্তয়া, বিরক্ত করা, বিভ্রান্ত করা, চিন্তিত করা, উদ্বিগ্ন করা, চিন্তান্বিত করা, বিহ্বল করা, হতবুদ্ধি করা, বিমূঢ় করা, ক্ষুব্ধ করা, জ্বালাতন করা,

perturb's Usage Examples:

Perturbation or perturb may refer to: Perturbation theory, mathematical methods that give approximate solutions to problems that cannot be solved exactly.

impedance of the voltmeter is sufficiently large, the SVM probe should not perturb the operation of the operational sample.

non-thermal (non-Maxwellian) velocity distributions, or processes that perturb thermal distributions.

thought to form out of kilometer-sized planetesimals that gravitationally perturb each other's orbits and collide, gradually coalescing into the dominant.

sphere and gravitational forces from the Sun and Moon will in general perturb the orbital plane.

greater if the objects pass slowly, allowing more time for gravity to perturb the orbits of the two objects.

does not mean that a collision is inevitable as the planets frequently perturb the orbit of small bodies.

While detected directly, Gliese 105 C has also been observed to perturb Gliese 105 A from its usual position; from that, its orbit is estimated.

these antibodies correlate with thrombotic events, so that they may also perturb the regulation of coagulatory factors.

especially useful because they all have small sparks which may be used to perturb nearby puffer trains and stationary patterns as the spaceships pass by.

Anything that perturb the interaction of KBP and Kif15 can block the cells at mitosis, and hence.

chemical tools that can perturb cell function another; and pharmacological agents that can be tolerated by a live organism and perturb its systems are yet.

well as their inclinations, were calculated from how much the planets perturb each other.

In fact, probes should not perturb the electromagnetic field and must prevent coupling and reflection as much.

Gal's idea is to not precompute equally spaced values, but rather to perturb the points x so that both x and f(x) are very nearly exactly representable.

key to scientific inquiry, as scientists seek to screen out factors that perturb a relation of interest.

Suppose we start with a random trajectory and perturb it by a small amount, ϵ {\displaystyle \epsilon } , in a random direction.


unhinge; disturb; disorder; worry; vex; distract; upset; cark; trouble; disquiet;


unturned; untroubled; organized; organic disorder; reassure;

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