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petrographic Meaning in Bengali

petrographic's Usage Examples:

of rocks is based on the information acquired during the petrographic analysis.

In optical mineralogy and petrography, a thin section (or petrographic thin section) is a laboratory preparation of a rock, mineral, soil, pottery, bones.

petrographic microscope is a type of optical microscope used in petrology and optical mineralogy to identify rocks and minerals in thin sections.

defined by the distinctive and dominant, easily mapped and recognizable petrographic, lithologic or paleontologic features (facies) that characterize it.

In a recent rocks and sediment analysis or petrographic study on the lakes and adjoining rivers in San Pablo, sulfate concentrations.

by dark bands (or isogyres), which can be produced using a geological petrographic microscope for the purposes of mineral identification and investigation.

Felsite is a field term for a light-colored rock that typically requires petrographic examination or chemical analysis for more precise definition.

This model of the outer layers of Earth has been confirmed by petrographic, gravimetric, and seismic evidence.

essentially indistinguishable from gabbro without thin section study under the petrographic microscope.

Hyalopilitic is a textural term used in petrographic classification of volcanic rocks.

Geographical composition is varied, with a real "petrographic mosaic".

A poikilitic texture is most easily observed in petrographic thin sections.

determination of these two properties with chemical, X-ray diffraction, or petrographic analysis are required for identification.

exhibited by minerals of the mica group under cross polarized light of the petrographic microscope.

cross-polarized light dims, as viewed through a thin section of a mineral in a petrographic microscope.

is done by lowering the stage (increasing the focal distance) of the petrographic microscope and observing which direction the light appears to move.

other British geologists pioneered the use of thin sections and the petrographic microscope in interpretive petrology.

Addition of plates between the polarizers of a petrographic microscope makes the optical identification of minerals in thin sections.

More recently, on the basis of field, petrographic, and textural observations, it has been argued that the Arkenu structures.

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