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phosphatic Meaning in Bengali


ফসফরাস ঘটিত আম্লিক লবণবিশেষ,

phosphatic's Usage Examples:

thick beds can exist, they are rarely only composed of phosphatic sedimentary rocks.

They are also omnivorous, oviparous, phosphatic, and actively mobile.

microfossil composition: (a) calcareous, as in coccoliths and foraminifera, (b) phosphatic, as in the study of some vertebrates, (c) siliceous, as in diatoms and.

with rock phosphate, it can save about 50% of the crop requirement of phosphatic fertilizer.

turtle known from Late Cretaceous (late Maastrichtian stage, 67 Myr) phosphatic deposits of the Oulad Abdoun Basin, Khouribga Province of Morocco.

Like its relatives, it has two unadorned organo-phosphatic valves and a long fleshy stalk.

may be Early Ordovician in age, and contain conodonts, trilobites and phosphatic moulds of brachiopods, ostrocoderm fish and gastropods.

been subdivided into two informal units, a lower phosphatic unit containing bones and nodular phosphatic layers, and an upper unit with abundant sponge.

Its circular, thin (15–150 μm), originally phosphatic tube gets wider along its long, undulating, annulated length.

They have slightly conical, phosphatic tubes with elliptical cross-section.

Leucophosphite is a phosphatic mineral derived from guano (bird or bat excrement).

being one of the oldest beds to contain minutely preserved microfossils, phosphatic fossils that are so characteristic they have given their name to "Doushantuo.

brachiopod affinity possible, by analogy with the mobergellans: a group of phosphatic shells from the same time period, with a similar set of muscle scars.

technical problems relating to the production from Indian raw materials of phosphatic fertilisers, ammonium sulphate, formaldehyde, potassium chlorate etc.

Unlike most brachiopods, which have uniformly calcitic or phosphatic shells, modern-day discinids incorporate tablets of silica into their.

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