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photosynthetically Meaning in Bengali

photosynthetically's Usage Examples:

temperature at sampling depths, as well as optional dissolved oxygen, PAR (photosynthetically available light), transmissometry and fluorescence sensors.

As such, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was formerly often reported in microeinsteins.

percent green cover, chlorophyll content, green biomass and absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (APAR).

For a more detailed explanation and a graph of the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) spectral region, see Normalized difference.

The most common cause is oxygen production by photosynthetically active species such as plants and algae.

plants for photosynthesis, biologists often measure the amount of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) received by a plant.

The limnetic zone is the most photosynthetically-active zone of a lake since it is the primary habitat for planktonic.

It is red-pigmented, not being photosynthetically active.

provides depends on their duration, size and shape and the intensity of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), which itself depends on the arrangement of.

increased amounts of photosynthetically active radiation to penetrate the coral skeleton.

Greater amounts of photosynthetically active radiation in coral.

Daily light integral (DLI) describes the number of photosynthetically active photons (individual particles of light in the 400-700 nm range) that are delivered.

is most important during the period of the year when vegetation is photosynthetically active and exudes large amounts of simple C compounds like sugar,.

phlorotannins and oxidized lipids as protective functions against high photosynthetically active and UV radiations.

important role in all plants: they are sessile by nature and access to photosynthetically active radiation is essential for plant nutrition and growth.

Individuals that live in microhabitats that are deficient in photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), such as under docks or in caves, lack symbionts.

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