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pictural Meaning in Bengali

pictural's Usage Examples:

Wendt continued his pictural research directed to the pre-war field of abstract art and joined the rapidly.

the board is presentated as a living, breathing city, with there being pictural illustrations of each of the properties being constructed as they are bought.

of independence, an extreme sensitivity to nature, and a dedication to pictural mastery.

executed", the board itself was "accurately represented", and that some of the pictural representations of properties were "humorous".

108–121 Le Symbolisme pictural, 1886–1936 Mercure de France CCLXVIII/912, 15 June 1936, pp.

(1988) and Une autre lecture du Maghreb à travers l'art scriptural et pictural français du 19e siècle (1998).

He’s thus pioneer of new pictural approaches, such as all over image, the cropping of composition by means.

and the Blandouit form a digging axe in the bocain syncline shaping a pictural valley ending in les gorges de la Vire.

"Le labyrinthe pictural de Sylvie Bouchard".

ISBN 0-226-92237-5 (Cloth) Books Published in original language: 1984 "Nominalisme pictural: Marcel Duchamp, la peinture et la modernité" Minuit, Paris, 1984.


(translation, 1973) L'Écriture poétique chinoise (1977) Vide et plein: le langage pictural chinois (1979) L'espace du rêve: mille ans de peinture chinoise (1980).

Beach, CA Union Theological Seminary, New York 2018 Claude Lorent, Le pictural en son incandescence et son intériorité, Arts libre Belgique, nov 2018.

Moscow Portrait at the Mirror Valentine Marcadé, Le Renouveau de l'art pictural russe 1863-1914, L'Âge d'homme, Lausanne, 1971 Biography @ Энциклопедия.

[citation needed] These were called pictural filmstrips, the first filmstrips that were produced in a complete set[clarification.

Manuel Mendive ou l'esprit pictural yoruba [Manuel Mendive or the Yoruba pictorial spirit].





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