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pirouettes Meaning in Bengali


নাচের সময় একপায়ে বা এক পায়ের আঙ্গুলে ভর দিয়া ঘুরপাক,

pirouettes's Usage Examples:

moving the foot higher to the "retiré au genou" (knee height) position for pirouettes, from the old "à la cheville" (ankle height) position.

mouthpieces while exposed double-reed instruments (apart from those using pirouettes) and open flutes do not.

use of unconventional, asymmetrical, abstract arm and hand placement pirouettes en dehors taken from a lunge in fourth position rather than the conventional.

Some dressage tests call for two full pirouettes in a row (720 degrees).

level, quadrille includes movements such as shoulder-in, travers, half-pass, passage, flying changes, and canter pirouettes.

Dance Ensemble Romantic Pas de deux Sortie Conclusion Pirouettes Releves Piques et grands pirouettes Solo for the Prima Ballerina Coda Small Leaps Mazurka.

featuring his highly technical tricks including siteswap variations, pirouettes, and long runs of numbers with clubs, balls, and sometimes rings.

Magri asserts pirouettes on one foot, revolving for as many turns as possible, as part of the repertory of the grotteschi, whereas pirouettes on two feet.

"Pellegrino's hook-punctuated sax playing and busker's line in simultaneous pirouettes, knee-trembles and high kicks [.

Spotting technique is employed for many types of turns, including pirouettes and chaînés.

particularly for her ability to sustain long balances and her multiple pirouettes.

"roll", hence the name "Galați Roller") pirouettes (turns around the vertical axis) screws (many pirouettes while flying downward) The answer to the.

movements that require balance and stimulate the core such as pliés and pirouettes.


whirl; spin; twist; twisting; twirl;


disentangle; untwist; unweave; unsnarl; straight;

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