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piteous Meaning in Bengali

 করুণা উদ্রেক করে এমন


কৰুণ, দুঃখ বা কৰুণা উদ্ৰেক কৰে এমন,

piteous's Usage Examples:

Then, as I probed them, one sprang up, and stared With piteous recognition in fixed eyes, Lifting distressful hands, as if to bless.

elephant, led by a giant Saracen, to recite a "complaint and lamentation in a piteous and feminine voice" ("commença sa complainte et lamentacion à voix piteuse.

today had never been accepted in art, the botching of the subjectile, the piteous awkwardness of forms crumbling around an idea after having for so many.

Atop a hill of cloud the moon Shed piteous glimmers through the mist, Softly the wind took flight, and soon With horrible.

The "mild and piteous" Palamabron, son of Enitharmon and Los (also appears in Milton).

burthen, herd-beasts, as well as animals of other kinds, with terrible and piteous pains and sore diseases, both internal and external; they hinder men from.

whisper, now a wee laddie from the school, with the tears streaking his piteous grimy little face, as he sobbed out: 'I cannot love my enemies.

One day a wild dove alights on the grave of the dead man and its piteous cooing constantly reminds the woman of her guilt.

and supporting herself by the frame of the door, she cried in a most piteous tone,—"Shaw-nee-aw-kee Wau-tshob-ee-rah Thsoonsh-koo-nee-noh!" [Žuniya-ąké.

dromedary, of its own will, stopped, and uttered the cry or moan, peculiarly piteous, by which its kind always protest against an overload, and sometimes crave.

A few blocks from Beauty's posh hotel, Lanny is mugged in a piteous slum.

Alfred Hickling, writing for The Guardian, praised Miller's "piteous and poetic" evocation of the subject of Alice's cancer and stated: "Most.

needed] "The blood of countless human beings, even noncombatants, raises a piteous dirge over a nation such as Our dear Poland, which, for its fidelity to.

banquet riding on an elephant, to recite a "complaint and lamentation in a piteous and feminine voice" ("commença sa complainte et lamentacion à voix piteuse.

Shall rest in quiet only when I find The sky and the air free of the piteous groans of the oppressed.

[citation needed] He does not rise in piteous haste    To put on convict-clothes, While some coarse-mouthed Doctor gloats.

Thaw trial demonstrates the sob sister approach: In good truth, a more piteous figure than the little chorus girl and artists' model could scarcely be.

daylight, in the presence of more than 800 men assembled to behold the piteous and melancholy spectacle.


poor; misfortunate; pathetic; wretched; unfortunate; miserable; pitiful; pitiable; hapless;


superior; ample; good; estimable; fortunate;

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