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placemen Meaning in Bengali


সরকারি পদাধিকারী ব্যক্তি,

placemen's Usage Examples:

In the political history of Britain, placemen were Members of Parliament who held paid office in the civil service, generally sinecures, simultaneously.

It has myriads of placemen, or would-be placemen, in utter dependence.

burgages (who, if necessary, could simply assign the tenancies to reliable placemen shortly before an election).

Blair, literary scholar, makes it difficult to dismiss them as insincere placemen.

executive had grown too powerful by the abuse of patronage and government placemen in the Parliament of Great Britain.

published a manifesto calling for annual Parliaments, the exclusion of placemen and pensioners from the House of Commons, outlawing bribery in elections.

executive, and the threat of corruption through idle, useless officials, or placemen, had figured prominently in their explanations of their exile in America.

" Chorus Swarms of placemen and pensioners soon will appear Like locusts deforming the charms of the.

Boston church bill, and a committee of inquiry into the laws excluding placemen.

office by the government gave it support: these cronies were known as "placemen", and it was a long-standing objective of parliamentary reformers to eliminate.

Queen Anne "to prevent the Court from swamping the House of Commons with placemen and pensioners", and described the process as "anomalous" and "indefensible".

convey the freehold of parcels of their land in the borough to reliable placemen.

"Putin's placemen pull the strings".

and his Majesty Louis-Philippe, his august family, and the numberless placemen and supporters of his monarchy, on the other.

from being "a debating chamber for notables," to "a club for the shah's placemen" during the Pahlavi era, to a body dominated by members of "the propertied.

Bolingbroke insisted that annual parliaments, the exclusion of placemen from parliament and a militia would save the ancient constitution from.


placeseeker; appointee;

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