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pleurisy Meaning in Bengali

 ফুসফুস আবরঝিল্লীর প্রদাহজনিত রোগ



pleurisy শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

বিভিন্ন ধরনের রোগ বা পরিস্থিতি যা বুককে প্রভাবিত করে তার মধ্যে রয়েছে প্লুরিসি, ফ্লেইল বুক, অ্যাটেলিকাসিস এবং সবচেয়ে সাধারণ অবস্থা, বুকের ব্যথা ।

"অ-শ্বাসতন্ত্রীয় যক্ষা" (Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis) বলা হয়, যেমন প্লুরাতে প্লুরিসি, কেন্দ্রীয় স্নায়ুতন্ত্রে মেনিনজাইটিস, লসিকাতন্ত্রে স্ক্রফুলা, প্রজনন ।

জ্বর, ডায়ারিয়া, নিউমোনিয়া, প্রস্রাবে সমস্যা, নিউরালজিয়া, প্লুরিসি, মিনোরেজিয়া, প্রসব পরবর্তী জ্বর, বিষাক্ত মাকড়সার কামড় ইত্যাদিতে তমাল ।

pleurisy's Usage Examples:

paintbrush, Indian posy, orange milkweed, orange root, orange Swallow-wort, pleurisy root, silky swallow-wort, tuber root, yellow milkweed, white-root, windroot.

pleural rub, is an audible medical sign present in some patients with pleurisy and other conditions affecting the chest cavity.

Rashes, nasal and mucosal ulceration, fibrous or plastic peritonitis, pleurisy, cochlear damage, and secretory otitis media also occurred in some cases.

conditions that may produce similar symptoms include angina, pericarditis, pleurisy, and chest trauma.

Pleuropneumonia, a protozoa is inflammation of the lungs and pleura, pleurisy being the inflammation of the pleura alone.

Al-Majūsī is well known for his accurate description of pleurisy, circulatory system, and the importance of diet and physical exercise in.

playing with Norwood as captain-coach, Sexton starting suffering from pleurisy and was forced to resign just six games into the season.

the club secretary at Bury Football Club from 1888 until his death from pleurisy in 1913.

Charles Wesley was suffering a bout of pleurisy in May, 1738, while he and his brother were studying under the Moravian.

Exhausted from the season, Booth was in a hospital with pleurisy while his teammates routed Princeton 51–14 in the final game, inspired.

the First Test against India in 1966–67, but then suffered an attack of pleurisy and had to return home.

He died in 1850 of pleurisy.

Wordsworth was Poet Laureate from 1843 until his death from pleurisy on 23 April 1850.

A year later he died of a pleurisy aged 27.

Palmer died on 25 October 1920 from double pneumonia and pleurisy after catching a chill during a visit to the Wrekin.

Notable extrapulmonary infection sites include the pleura (in tuberculous pleurisy), the central nervous system (in tuberculous meningitis), the lymphatic.

He died of pleurisy on 12 December 1910 at his home in Orange.

Born in Rebecq, he was prevented by his acute pleurisy from going to university.


purulent pleurisy; inflammatory disease; pleuropneumonia;

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