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pocked Meaning in Bengali

pocked's Usage Examples:

2001 that a portion of Southcrest has "dilapidated houses, empty lots and pocked streets.

most common modern variation is the finger gullotine or finger chopper, a pocked-sized version that appears to chop off the magician's finger.

flat, almost featureless terrain, laced with trenches and tunnels, deeply pocked with ragged lines of bomb craters left by numberless waves of B-52s, its.

buy food although the store shelves were empty, and to navigate streets pocked with wheelchair-mangling potholes.

was called Beauty, but her sister who was a year younger than her, had a pocked face and was called Pock Face.

partially overcame the inability of field guns to move across the shell-pocked no man's land between trench lines but their light multi-piece construction.

The surrounding area is pocked with abandoned silver and gold mines from the nineteenth century.

mark in Hossa; for example, the chain of ridges that traverses the area is pocked with kettle ponds created by receding glaciers.

seaside village on the Ring of Beara surrounded by high rugged mountains pocked with old bogs being farmed for peat.

and was presented in an aluminium box with a lid shaped like the crater-pocked surface of the Moon; the object was mounted on four legs resembling the.

pack animals couldn't move the guns in the trenches or across the shell-pocked quagmire of no man's land.

that results in the smoothing of the stone's face and the creation of pocked dimples.

The GFM cloche has had the concrete blasted from around its base and is pocked by shellfire.

Although known to be a place full of foxes in the past, it has none now and is pocked with windmills on all sides.

of a properly paved road, newcomers to Hong Kong found Queen's Road as a pocked dirt path that was prone to dust clouds and puddles of mud.

Some of the mesas are pocked with giant sinkholes up to 300 meters (980 ft) in diameter and with sheer.


pockmarked; rough; unsmooth; potholed;


even; ironed; fine; slippery; smooth;

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