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polewards Meaning in Bengali


স্বদেশাভিমুখে, স্বগৃহাভিমুখে,

polewards's Usage Examples:

The landscape polewards of around 30 degrees latitude on Mars has a distinctively different appearance to that nearer the equator, and is said to have.

nonetheless widespread and a considerable number of species occur as far polewards as Scandinavia for example.

The large-scale atmospheric circulation "cells" shift polewards in warmer periods (for example, interglacials compared to glacials), but.

Paratropical subseas are distributed equally polewards of eutropical subseas.

Wind-driven surface currents (such as the Gulf Stream) travel polewards from the equatorial Atlantic Ocean, cooling en route, and eventually sinking.

Where the atmosphere or an extensive ocean is able to transport heat polewards, the poles will be warmer and equatorial regions cooler than their local.

Modification of the waves' group velocity will change their meridional propagation speed, directing them more polewards or more equatorwards.

interglacials, such as the present one, the climate warms and the tundra recedes polewards following the ice sheets.

features interpreted as glaciers are largely restricted to latitudes polewards of around 30° latitude.

suggests that the birds were migratory like some penguins are today, moving polewards in summer to breed.

colonizing new areas northwards while cold water species are shifting polewards, like the rustic limpet (Patella rustica).

On a global scale, the atmospheric circulation must carry energy polewards, because there is a net gain of energy in the tropics through incoming.

and the polar oceans a net loss, the result of a net transfer of energy polewards in the oceans.

and it seems that towards the end of the Cretaceous their range shifted polewards.

air moving downwards and equatorwards displaces the warmer air moving polewards and upwards.

The atmospheric circulation transports energy polewards, thus reducing the resulting equator-to-pole temperature gradient.

These western ocean currents transport warm, tropical water polewards toward the polar regions.

curvatures in the frontal systems separating the cooler Arctic/Antarctic air polewards from the warmer tropical air towards the equator.

Heat is transported from the equator polewards mostly by the atmosphere but also by ocean currents, with warm water near.

The particles were carried polewards by unusual air currents.

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