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polluters Meaning in Bengali

polluters's Usage Examples:

"top ten" list of worst polluters.

January 1995 - Listed again in the National Rivers Authority's top ten of worst polluters having been convicted of.

The Caribbean Islands are the biggest plastic polluters per capita in the world.

the Superfund law requires polluters to pay for cleanup of hazardous waste sites, when the polluters can be identified.

Diesel-h}}powered RTGs are notorious polluters at ports, as each burns up to 10 US gallons per hour (8.

communities against anyone who threatens their right to clean water—from polluters to unresponsive government agencies.

first full-time Hudson Riverkeeper, to patrol the river, protect it from polluters, and enforce environmental laws.

markets, price, and other economic variables to provide incentives for polluters to reduce or eliminate negative environmental externalities.

If affected parties can compel polluters to compensate them they will reduce or eliminate the externality.

polluting sites in New Jersey; he stated, “We’re sending a strong message to polluters that no matter how big you are, or how powerful you are, or how long you’ve.

environmentalist, Sangamon Taylor, uncovering a conspiracy involving industrialist polluters in Boston Harbor.

the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, thus enabling large polluters to be identified.

major polluters of air in Karachi and the rest of Pakistan.

The two-stroke engines as well as defective or unturned vehicles are major polluters with carbon.

help reverse the deterioration caused by river pollution, and bring polluters to justice.

some investors still focus their funds to avoid only “the most egregious polluters,” the emphasis for many investors has switched to changing “the way money.

parties responsible for hazardous substances releases to the environment (polluters) and either compel them to clean up the sites, or it may undertake the.

The detectives convict polluters, animal dealers and drug smugglers.

as state attorney general, Baxley aggressively prosecuted industrial polluters, strip miners, and corrupt elected officials.


defiler; bad person;


good egg; good person;

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