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positionally Meaning in Bengali



positionally শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

বিশ্ব মানচিত্রে ২০১৩ সালে চলমান ফোন টাওয়ারগুলির অবস্থানিক ঘনত্ব ।

ভিত্তি অনুযায়ী অবস্থানভিত্তিক পদ্ধতিসমূহ ২ ৩ ৪ ৫ ৬ ৮ ১০ ১২ ১৬ ২০ ৬০ অ-মান অবস্থানিক সংখ্যা পদ্ধতি বাইজেক্টিভ সংখ্যায়ন (১) চিহ্নিত-সংখ্যা উপস্থাপনা (ভারসাম্য ।

সাধারণত, অবস্থানিক স্থানে যখন কোনো কণার গতি বর্ণনা করা হয়, যেখানে অনুরূপ বিস্তার ফাংশন ψ ।

এই কারণে, জি আই এস এবং অবস্থানিক বোধবিদ্যা (location intelligence) ব্যবহার অবস্থান ভিত্তিক পরিসেবা প্রদানের ।

positionally's Usage Examples:

In addition, both the known ELM instances and any positionally conserved matches in sequences similar to ELM instance sequences are.

August 1998, NASA contracted EarthSat to produce Landsat GeoCover - a positionally accurate orthorectified Landsat Thematic Mapper and Multispectral Scanner.

form of nanotechnology (or molecular manufacturing) would make use of positionally-controlled mechanosynthesis guided by molecular machine systems.

of a STR multiplex system as a collection of specific STRs which are positionally conserved on a target genome.

between the fields, therefore the lines in the second field will be positionally interleaved with the lines in the first field.

Mapson was considered positionally astute as a goalkeeper, rarely having to make a last-ditch dive and had.

The four subgraphs are positionally related by index 5 and index 7 subgroups.

The 5 boxed subgraphs are positionally related by index 5 subgroups.

The 3 boxed subgraphs are positionally related by index 5 subgroups.

Both players can choose to play the game positionally or otherwise will have variable results.

We need to find the lowest (positionally) non-zero entry among these cells, which is the cell in the G row.

progress, but there is no physical "finish line": a win is not attained positionally, but rather by the collection of assets.

The 4 boxed subgraphs are positionally related by index 5 subgroups.

The left and right subgraphs are positionally related by index 5 subgroups.

EarthSat to produce Landsat GeoCover (Geocover 2000 in NASA WorldWind) — a positionally accurate orthorectified Landsat Thematic Mapper and Multispectral Scanner.

When the shift number is created it may contain a leading zero which is positionally important and must be carried into and through the next step.

Amateur wrestling is a positionally-based form of grappling, and thus generally prohibits the following:.

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