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postmark Meaning in Bengali

 ডাক মোহর,



postmark's Usage Examples:

A postmark is a postal marking made on an envelope, parcel, postcard or the like, indicating the place, date and time that the item was delivered into.

Covers that are postmarked at sea or their next port of call will carry a Paquebot postmark.

There will usually be a first day of issue postmark, frequently.

Common examples of this type of timestamp are a postmark on a letter or the "in" and "out" times on a time card.

The term earliest reported postmark or ERP is a term used by the United Postal Stationery Society (UPSS) for the past 40 years.

traced to the principality’s first postmark in 1704.

Stampless covers are known with both manuscript and handstamp postmarks for Monaco and Fort d'Hercule.

have their wedding invitations shipped there in order to have the town's postmark applied to them.

creating a postmark with a simple motif with three conifers.

It was one of the first pictorial postmarks that Canada Post created.

The current postmark is more.

Love is known for its name and a special postmark, which is a teddy bear holding a heart.

The Microsoft email postmark variant of Hashcash is implemented.

mention of a post office in the village is in September 1853, when a type of postmark known as an undated circle was issued.

hand-cancellation pictorial postmark for use during December, which also attracts mail from all over the world.

The pictorial postmark is chosen each year from.

The collection includes 48 handstamp postmark devices dating from 1929, when the postal service was introduced on Lundy.

A machine postmark or machine cancellation is a postmark or cancellation on mail that is applied by a mechanical device rather than with the use of a handstamp.

It is a forged stamp with a forged control mark and a forged postmark.

forerunner stamps can be shown to have been sold or used in China only by a postmark.

mention of a post office in the village is in October 1849, when a type of postmark known as an undated circle was issued.

all years are known), apartments by their building number, letters by postmark, and dice rolls.

operated it was a popular destination for holiday mail seeking a "Christmas" postmark.


marking; marker; mark;


take away; ignore; add; detach;

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