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postulation Meaning in Bengali




postulation's Usage Examples:

confirmation of his postulation from the Anti-Pope, Felix V, at Basel in the Kingdom of Germany.

Felix V confirmed Munro's postulation on 30 May but it was.

The dream argument is the postulation that the act of dreaming provides preliminary evidence that the senses we trust to distinguish reality from illusion.

However, this postulation was disallowed by the Pope, and Geoffrey remained bishop of Dunkeld.

and more contentious ones, which are comparison and analogy (upamāna), postulation, derivation from circumstances (arthāpatti), and non-perception, negative/cognitive.

constitutes a set-up to the humorous punch line of a joke A logical postulation that evades resolution, an intricate and difficult problem Conundrum.

However, Avignon Pope Benedict XIII quashed the postulation, and chose Henry Wardlaw in his stead.

Following the postulation of the species in 2005, S.

inference; upamāṇa, by comparison and analogy; arthāpatti, the use of postulation and derivation from circumstances; and śabda, the word or testimony of.

archbishop of Magdeburg in 1475, intensive negotiations began on the postulation of Ernest.

) The other kind is concepts by postulation.

A concept by postulation is one the meaning of which in whole or in part is designated.

lines of the Cat's Eye Nebula, discovered using spectroscopy, led to the postulation that an as yet unknown element was responsible for this emission.

validated the process on 19 June 2009 in a move that allowed for the postulation to send the Positio to the C.

1973) is a Russian physicist of Ukrainian descent best known for his postulation of the magnetic-field-induced superconductivity of the vacuum.

According to one scholarly postulation, the history of feminism in Poland can be divided into seven periods, beginning with the 19th century first-wave.

ways a person may be designated to fill a vacant benefice: by election, postulation, presentation, or recommendation, resignation made in one's favour, or.


message; solicitation; subject matter; ingathering; demand; application; petition; substance; appeal; content; request; collection;


forfeit; defense; prosecution; flora; fauna;

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