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presuppose Meaning in Bengali

 পূর্বাহ্নেই মেনে নেওয়া


পূর্বাহ্নেই মানিয়া লত্তয়া,

presuppose's Usage Examples:

again both presuppose that the subject has done it already one or more times; My wife is pregnant and My wife is not pregnant both presuppose that the subject.

Regular or traditional science does not presuppose a policy preference, but normative science, by definition, does.

existence of God by arguing that logic, morals, and science ultimately presuppose a supreme being and that God must therefore be the source of logic and.

The notion of hieros gamos does not always presuppose literal sexual intercourse in ritual, but is also used in purely symbolic.

scientific theories since the observational evidence may already implicitly presuppose the thesis it is supposed to justify.

’ I need not presuppose I have a claim right to say ‘I propose such and such.

’ Instead, at most, I presuppose that it’s permissible for me.

himself For the most part the stature and the preparation of these Tzadikim presuppose a balance that allows a peaceful coexistence even with those who have.

Since the question "How do we know?" does not presuppose that we know, it is receptive to skepticism.

However, cognitivists typically presuppose a specific form of mental activity, of the kind advanced by computationalism.

metanarratives because they reject the concept of truth that metanarratives presuppose.

into another draft round due to various factors, but such statements presuppose—often inaccurately—that teams have already made detailed evaluations of.

theorem lies in the fact that it has a different proof that does not presuppose the parallel postulate and is therefore valid in non-Euclidean geometry.

arrive at a worldview which is ultimately determined by the theology they presuppose.

London Canon Tables, "instead of being an example of careless copying, presuppose another section division than that of Eusebius himself".

both the believer and nonbeliever share, that is to say one need not presuppose God's existence.

That is, it can presuppose that technology has independent effects on society at large.

(Questions beginning with "which", for example, often presuppose a set of several alternatives, from which one is to be drawn.

neutrality or gender-neutral language, which is wording that does not presuppose a particular natural gender.

identification of quantum structures in cognitive phenomena does not presuppose the existence of microscopic quantum processes in the human brain.

The play adopts a number of textual strategies that presuppose a relationship to performance, though it is performance conceived in a.


premiss; assume; suppose; premise; postulate; posit; presume; take for granted;


stand still; give; stay; slip off; undress;

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