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primitively Meaning in Bengali

primitively's Usage Examples:

(jumping bristletails) and the Zygentoma (silverfishes and firebrats), two primitively wingless insect orders.

Hemihalictus series is composed of species which are solitary, communal, primitively eusocial, cleptoparasitic, or socially parasitic.

inclusion in the order is difficult: it is almost easier to list the primitively-diapsid reptiles that have not been included at one time or another.

Often primitively or casually produced, they feature punk literature, such as social commentary.

It is primitively eusocial, not showing the same bias in brood care seen in other social insects.

rigid, division of labor, such as Lasioglossum zephyrus, are considered primitively eusocial.

Spirillinida are an order of foraminifera in which the test, or shell, primitively consists of an enrolled open tube, coming after the proloculus, wound.

It is considered a primitively eusocial bee (meaning that they do not have a permanent division of labor.

had pelvic fins and a pelvic girdle, thus proving that antiarchs had, primitively at least, pelvic girdles, and or inherited them from a common ancestor.

Barrandeocerina comprise a suborder of Early Paleozoic nautiloid cephalopods, primitively coiled but later forms may be cyroconic, gyroconic, torticonic, and even.

openings in the vicinity of the pharynx); and a posterior section that primitively comprises seven segments and functions as a tail.

Most kleptoparasitic bees are believed to be solitary, but some may be primitively eusocial.

The carpus (wrist) and tarsus (ankle) of land vertebrates primitively had three rows of carpal or tarsal bones.

Belonogaster petiolata is a species of primitively eusocial wasp that dwells in southern Africa, in temperate or subhumid climate zones.

enumerable set of well-formed formulas of a first-order language is (primitively) recursively axiomatizable.

Another species, Augochloropsis iris, which is native to South America, is primitively eusocial, and engages in three rounds of brood production over the course.

Exoneura robusta is a species of the primitively eusocial allodapine bee, belonging to the genus commonly referred to as "reed bees".

During Baker's full term as governor, he focused primitively on the creation and improvement of institutions to help veterans and.

their larvae during their development (progressive provisioning), a primitively social behavior unusual among eumenines, which normally practice mass.

The bi-algebra C is said to be primitively generated if it is generated by primitive elements (as an algebra).


in the beginning; originally;

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