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procreating Meaning in Bengali

 জন্মদান করা, সন্তান উত্পাদন করা, জন্মদান দেত্তয়া, জন্ম দেত্তয়া,


জন্ম দেত্তয়া, জন্মদান দেত্তয়া, সন্তান উত্পাদন করা, জন্মদান করা,

procreating's Usage Examples:

be at least 60 years old, for otherwise it was expected that they be procreating rather than adopting.

the newsletter, he asked readers to further human extinction by not procreating.

inhabitants of the earth can populate the world again or refrain from procreating and thus bring an end to the human race.

predict the future or what will happen, but they do know the value of procreating to retain one's beauty throughout the ages.

They started procreating and formed a little village which they called the Lebama (Ekpolodol).

with marriage (such as the "triple Ps" of protecting, providing, and procreating) were still considered signs of having achieved manhood.

However, the conflict also leads to Los pursuing her and the two procreating.

innate sense of optimism that gives people the will to keep on living and procreating, despite the inevitability of death, and promoting better health and.

knelt to soften her wound with his mouth, a passion came over both, thus procreating the baby.

controversial sexual sterilization program to prevent the mentally disabled from procreating.

Hellenistic poet Euphorion of Chalcis, Laocoön is in fact punished for procreating upon holy ground sacred to Poseidon; only unlucky timing caused the Trojans.

says that the Cylons, which were the thirteenth tribe of Kobol, began procreating naturally on Earth and finally lost resurrection technology.

impassionate plea to Olga and Yossi to waste no time in going forth and procreating, presumably to contribute to the survival of the Jewish people, constantly.

Not long after, the couple bore children, fulfilling their mission of procreating the next generation.


hatch; cover; incubate; propagate; brood; set; fructify; make; reproduce; create; multiply; breed;


refrain; disassemble; decrease; divide; antitype;

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